
Legal Notice

Rockster Austria International GmbH

Tagerbachstrasse 2
4490 St.Florian

CEO: Dipl. Ing. Norbert Feichtinger

Responsible for the content (according to § 5 E-Commerce Law):

Bank account

Raiffeisenbank Perg
Bankstelle Mauthausen
Account No: 3856333
BLZ.: 34777
IBAN €: AT903477700003856333
IBAN US$: AT373477700103856333

Company registration:
FN246375t, LG Steyr
VAT No: ATU57797511
EORI No: ATE0S1000001824

Content and purpose of the website

Information about the company, as well as products, promotions and interesting facts about the company's object.

Copyright, disclaimer

The author is not liable for any incorrect information on the homepage. All information is provided without warranty. The contents of this website may only be used by others with the prior consent of the author. All rights reserved.


Despite the utmost care in the selection and presentation, no liability for any errors can be assumed. For the contents of all links that lead to pages outside, no liability is assumed and the information contained therein is the responsibility of the respective service provider. We accept no responsibility for and do not endorse, the content of these websites.

Terms of Use

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